When the Ugly Duckling is Just a Duck

A fabulous post by a fellow Indigo Press author…a poignantly beautiful expression of how so many of we women feel!

Bertram's Blog

A couple of women in dance class today were talking about aging and how it was an adjustment when they no longer turned heads. Not a problem, they said. Just an adjustment.

SThese women are still lovely, and I can imagine they were real head-turners when they were young, but not everyone has that same experience. For some of us, the adjustment was not learning we no longer turned heads, but accepting the knowledge that we would never would turn heads.

The lure of the ugly duckling story looms large in girlhood. I suppose even the pretty girls long to be a swan, unable to see until — perhaps it was too late — that they’d been swans all along. (In the case of the two women in class today, they might in fact have been swans of the Swan Lake sort since both had studied ballet for many years.)

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Katie’s Diary: Today I Got Drunk on Church Wine

Katie’s diary, who cares what the date is, 1922

Yeah, I totally know what the date is, but I kind of moved beyond the point of caring since our time will likely be shifting back into the future measurably soon…ya know? Okay, so I HOPE it will be soon.

Mick said I should document this incident, mostly because he found it hilarious.  I’m not sure that it’s all that hilarious to get floor-kissing drunk in the back room of the local church on “Induction of the New Deacon” Sunday, circa 1922…but Mick did, so here we go. So it was also COMMUNION Sunday, right? And the new deacon was being installed, as I already mentioned, which tends to be a big deal in any denomination. Combine that with Communion Sunday, and you have quite the event. The entire town plus some out-of-county cousins were in attendance, and they typically didn’t make an appearance unless it was Christmas or somebody died. Well, we decided to make our own debut because, in this time, it would be weird for an upstanding married couple (where the wife is also pregnant with a future parishioner) to avoid church.  Such avoidance could possibly mean that we’re heathens, atheists, or–even worse–socialists.

Not wanting to make any unnecessary waves, Mick and I embraced local churchitude and attended this particular Sunday.  I happened to volunteer for communion-cup-filling duty and–mid-service–retreated to the little room behind the altar area to perform my helpful layperson deed.  I went to town filling up little mini-glasses with what I believed to be grape juice.  Except it wasn’t grape juice.  It was wine.  Wine that one of the local farmer dudes made on the side.  Holy graciousful heavens, it was wine (and you’d think I would’ve figured that out, considering the fact that I counted myself a lay-vintner as well)!!

I sipped as I filled, still believing it to be grape juice, and couldn’t have been happier…literally, because it was actually high-octane wine that could’ve put moonshine to shame!  By the time communion rolled around, I’d forgotten my name, my age, and the fact that I had any dignity whatsoever to the point that I’d exited the back room, walked into the front of the church, and proceeded to derail the pastor (who was in the process of ordaining the poor deacon) with a rousing rendition of “Bringing in the Sheaves.”  What amused me later was how readily the congregation joined in with my impromptu singing…and how they didn’t leave when I asked why Slash wasn’t providing any enhancing accompaniment.

I suspected that Christine, the notorious preacher’s wife, had something to do with this present inglorious state of mine.  As I was exiting the church in a most mortified of mentalities, she approached me clandestinely and said, “Honey, you were great.  Last time I switched out the grape juice with the wine I burned down the whole church!”

So yeah, Christine had replaced the grape juice with wine.  And nobody told me.  Hell, nobody told them! But at least I didn’t burn down the church.

Katie’s Diary Entry #3: Today Mick Read a Book

August 9, 1922

Yes. I now know what date it is. One of my main accomplishments for the week was to have FINALLY figured out what day it was. After discovering I was pregnant (it wasn’t the rotten peach…it was the healthy and invigorated sperm in combination with our enjoyment of acts that lead to procreation) and informing Mick of his upcoming fatherhood, he promptly zoomed over to see Mrs. Simmons at the mercantile about a calendar. He also asked her if they stocked any books about childbirth, and when he came home empty-handed except for the calendar and a look of desolate bummitude, I informed him that I didn’t particularly want to rely on 1922 birthing preparations and methodologies, thank you very much.

Mrs. Simmons had, however, sent him home with the latest edition of Pride and Prejudice. How this was supposed to prepare either he OR I for having a baby was beyond both of us, but since it stormed like the dickens that night thereby preventing him from working in any sort of outdoor capacity the following day, he read the book. Until that day in our future past, the man had never read a single work of fiction. If there weren’t numbers and letters cohabitating in unconventional and unnatural ways on each and every page, the man had no interest. Now here he was drowning in pathological and melodramatic romance while I watched in awe…and sipped the last of my merlot, Europeans do it while pregnant, so shut up.

So instead of plotting my pregnancy progress on the brand new calendar Mick had so responsibly just purchased, I instead wrote down in large lettering: Mick read a book that didn’t involve using his calculator! Okay, so the words kind of spilled over into the next day…


Day After the Other Date I Don’t Know, 1922

Go ahead, chastise me for STILL not knowing what the freak the date is! I ate a rotten peach after the laundry fiasco yesterday and have been suffering “internal distress” ever since…at least I guess it was the peach. What else could inspire vomiting to this degree?

So yeah. I haven’t been anywhere to ask anybody what date it is. Mick gave me strict orders to stay in bed while he’s in the cotton field…guess he doesn’t want to come home to bloody carnage or a sudden inadvertent shifting of our existence into the orc dimension.

Can’t say that I blame him. Excuse me, I must release the internal distress again!


Some random date because I don’t know what date we got here, 1922

This will be my first diary entry dedicated to permanently recording our time-transcending experiences here in 1922. Okay, so I picked a really ostentatious diary title, not to mention a semi-insane diary entry date. All I’d have to do is walk down to the end of our sidewalk and ask a passerby what date it is, but that would be too practical an accomplishment for one such as myself. Mick would do it. He’s ADORABLY practical that way. I try to be more like Mick in these ways, I really, really do…but then I worry that he wouldn’t love me anymore if I got all normal and predictable and rational…so immediate reversion to semi-irrationality occurs.

We’ve been here three days, as I just mentioned to my future self in the above introductory paragraph, and thus far much we’ve gotten quite a bit done. The outhouse is happily rattlesnake-free, and we managed to buy a mostly-okay 1922 version of toilet paper so chafing may be kept to a minimum. A few other house necessities were also purchased with the money we stole from underneath Eva and Timothy’s mattress…we’ll pay them back, I swear! One of those necessities was laundry detergent…which I’m about to use…and am hoping intensely that I don’t somehow blow up an outbuilding by accidentally combining it with gasoline or moonshine or something. Is that possible? Can laundry detergent combine with combustible liquids in an inflammatory way? I failed chemistry in high school. Taking it in college was about as ludicrous a concept as me applying for a NASA internship. Am pretty sure I WOULD’VE found a way to blow up Houston.

So after lunch today, Mick very kindly and fairly grilled me about my clothes-washing plans for that afternoon. “You’ve read the directions on the detergent box, right?”

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that question?”


“Because you’re a guy. Guys never read or ask for directions.”

“I’m not the one who failed high school chemistry.”

“No,” I mumbled, “You probably helped write the friggin’ textbook.”

“I heard that.”

“You were supposed to, smarty pants. And yes, I did read the directions. They’re like all other detergent box directions. You dump the detergent in the washing area receptacle basin thingy with the water and hit the start button…except there’s no start button, there’s a crank-operated agitator thing that probably won’t do as good a job as the start button.”

Mick stared at me with a slightly unconvinced expression. “And you’re going to use water, right?”

How well he knew me. “What else would I use?”

Now he was staring at me with complete disbelief. “Well, let’s see…how many liquid substances might be lying around in the shed?”

I was so tempted to pout, and would have, had he not been entirely right. “Touche, my love. Yes, I’ll make sure it’s water.”

“And don’t test it by drinking it!”

“Maybe you’d like to fill it with water before heading out to the cotton field?”

He exhaled a breath of relief and brandished a bright smile. “I thought you’d never ask.”

So Mick proceeded to follow me to the washing shed building thing, his eyes never leaving the instructions on the back of the box as he walked. I wondered how he never stumbled once because, if I tried to read and walk at the same time, I’d have stumbled face first into the gravel thereby making a bloody, macerated mess of my face. Once he had surveyed the washing situation, added water and the prescribed amount of detergent, and given me strict orders not to add anything else, he kissed the top of my head and retreated to the cotton patch. I plopped down on the little stool next to the washing “machine” and proceeded to grab the first article of clothing from the basket. I plunged it into the sudsy cleaning solution and grabbed the crank to start dirt-defying agitation. So far so good.

I’d washed a couple of dresses and  a pair of socks before the usual hell broke loose. Hell followed me like the proverbial hound of ancient lore, except MY hell hound had rabies for sure…and possibly he mange. After depositing a second clean sock into the “wet clothing to be hung on the line for drying” basket, I blithely reached into the “still dirty” basket and pulled out the next item to be washed. It felt a bit odd, but then again, everything felt odd around here. Upon depositing it into the water and starting the cranky mechanism, a blood-curdling scream erupted from the soapy depths. A wet and very angry something exploded from beneath white foam and clawed its way onto my lap. Holy freaking crap, the critters of 1922 had united in a good faith effort to murder me! Seriously, the Mafia should consider adding a few furry assassins to their hitman ranks…or hitcreature ranks.

Not surprisingly, Mick had started running furiously in my direction upon hearing that banshee scream. When he arrived at the wash shed, he disbelievingly observed me locked in mortal combat with a psychotic–but very clean–possum in a state of understandable chagrin. He had clawed the front of Eva’s dress to shreds and was obviously considering starting in on my face when Mick’s sudden appearance seemed to scare it over the edge of consciousness. The thing went rigid, I guessed with shock, and fell backward into the wash water. My hands were bloody from fending off possum talons, and Eva’s dress was destined for the rag bag, but otherwise all was well.

Mick crossed his arms across his chest, nodded with resignation, and even permitted a tiny grin of amusement. “Maytag never mentioned what to do in this scenario.”


THE WAIT IS OVER!!!  In all officious officialness, I am humbled and thrilled to announce that Ghosts and Physics will be available for purchase on Amazon and secondwindpublishing.com as of May 28th, 2015.

So pull up a couch or chair or bed, grab a Guinness or Tanqueray martini or Boone’s Farm, and enjoy some laughs and thrills and possibly some eye rolls 🙂

Ghosts and Physics

Romantic Idealization: Not Just for Naive Ingenues Anymore

So my brain was randomly pondering whatever happened to wander across its convolusions, and as it invariably does, the subject of why in the world am I so unlucky in love made its very-recognizable presence known. Right there in the midst of transferring last night’s veggie medley into a smaller storage container, a realization dawned upon me: I’m unlucky because I’m a human idealist.

An idealist sees the best there is to see in both situation and person. When it comes to starting a relationship of ANY kind, I’m drawn to a person–be they a potential friend or boyfriend–by some positive, uplifting, happy quality they exhibit on a regular basis. From that point onward I focus upon finding more qualities that keep my proverbial happy-boat afloat long enough to sail the relationship someplace mutually satisfying. Only if there is gross betrayal do I start to see the bad. Only if they hurt me horribly does the idealizing slow to stillness. Where boys I’ve fallen for are concerned, I very much see what I want to see because I’ve seen something in them that’s wonderful…and why shouldn’t that be focused upon?

I’m not saying to stumble stupidly around overlooking serious flaws…been there, done that, burned the itinerary. But if God can look at us and see only the best of what we are and what we could still be, why shouldn’t we attempt to see others through similarly rose-colored eyewear? Yep, such a choice is going to get me hurt…again and again. But it just might help me care about someone–if only for a brief time–that desperately needs caring about.

If God sees fit to look at me so “blindly,” the least I can do is return the favor on His earthly behalf.